Newsgroup post: When Mass Deficit Is Equal To Zero ...

It is widely known fact that the mass of an object will be less than the total mass of all the baryons within that object. Amount of mass deficit will vary from object to object. It will also vary among the nuclei of different elements.

Percentage of mass deficit will be more in 1 kilogram of iron bar compared to the nucleus of the element iron. Density of baryons will be more in the nucleus compared to the iron bar. It means the amount of mass deficit will decrease as all the baryons occupy less and less space. When all the baryons occupy the space of a single baryon (hypothetical point mass) then the mass deficit will be equal to zero. If mass deficit is an indication to the binding energy within an object, then the point mass object in which all the baryons were tightly packed together has zero binding energy...

The amazing relationship between the matter (let's hope it is baryons), mass, mass defict and the binding energy ...

Deficit of Mass: An Unfortunate Development in Physics

Posted on: November 25, 2009.

Copyright 2009 Karunakar Marasakatla