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Relevance of Manvantara Cycles in the Indian History

Ancient Indian Vedic texts mentioned that the movement of the earth and other celestial bodies started around two billion years ago. Traditional calendar or panchaang was being prepared from unknown past on these calculations and every year incremented this time period by one. Yuga concept of reckoning the time was not limited to just the calendars, it was even used in the texts and inscriptions of the ancient times. In the ancient India, the time was always counted forward from the beginning of an era. If one era becomes old, then they started another era with the happening of a significant event. But they always used the yuga period as a second reference point.

Earlier western historians who translated the ancient Indian texts into English were literally thrown away these concepts and cycles as rubbish. A two billion year period for the age of the earth was in sharp contrast to the western thoughts prevailing at that period. Modern Indian academic education was built on the foundation of earlier western thoughts. The later modern historians simply advanced the earlier views and further increased the gap between the ancient and modern thoughts. All these times the academic education and the ancient texts were in parallel to each other. Ancient texts survived to this date even after the repeated criticism of modern views on the ancient thoughts. My hypothesis proves that the manvantara cycles are in fact the Supercontinent cycles occurred on the surface of the earth. The seven global deluges are the seven snowball earth events happened with the formation and breakup of the Supercontinents. It is now evident that it really needs advanced concepts of science to understand those principles and concepts described in the ancient texts, not just the familiarity of the Sanskrit language. I wouldn't say that everything in the ancient texts as a treasure, they might have changed through the times but some concepts are definitely much beyond the limits of the modern science.

When the manvantara cycles are true in the history of the earth, it is possible that the other cycles also might have some relevance to the earth or to the cosmos. Modern science is not yet aware of any cycle resembling the chatur yuga and its subdivisions. According to the ancient texts, civilizations face a destruction at the end of each chatur yuga cycle. Even though the modern Indian history doesn't recognize the yuga cycle, it unwillingly accepted 3102 BC as the beginning of the kali yuga, because the authors of ancient texts were clearly mentioned this era in their texts. Later some references were transferred into the Julian calendar and forgotten the relevance of kali yuga in the Indian history. It is very funny that the historians accepted the existence and the beginning of the kali yuga, but didn't recognize the event described in the ancient texts as the beginning of the kali yuga. Multiple references of the kali yuga in the ancient literature forced the historians to accept the existence of the same. In the beginning,  historians thought that it was not possible for an advanced society to exist in that remote period and with that assumption they ignored all the descriptions in the ancient literature. Later they have thrown away the yuga reckoning of time and compressed all the ancient history into a mere 1000 year period from 1500 to 500 BC. All the references that mentioned the early period of kali yuga were either ignored or changed to fit in the assumed time scale for the ancient Indian history.

Every era starts with a well known event. In the ancient texts it was extensively mentioned that the kali yuga was started in the Mahabharatha times with the exit of Krishna from this world. For some reason modern history accepted the beginning of the kali yuga at 3102 BC but placed the Mahabharatha times around 1000 BC, that too without a certainty. Even though the Indian history accepted the beginning of kali yuga at 3102 BC, the accepted references to kali yuga were around or after 500 AD. It is hard to believe that a civilization which started an era and continuously counted the years even to the present times has no historical references for the initial 3500 years of the era. Modern assumption is that there was no significant event happened in the beginning of kali yuga. In this case ancient Indians might have coined the kali yuga around 500 AD with an arbitrary ancient date of 3102 BC. In reality, kali yuga was extensively used in the ancient literature in all parts of the ancient India. Widespread use of this era from the beginning to the present times, clearly demonstrates the continuity of the civilization.

Maya, the author of Surya Sidhantha, himself written that he was writing the book in the thretha yuga, just after the kritha yuga was passed. And also mentioned about four major cities of his time located on the equator, opposite to each other and in equal distance. This position makes the cities to be away from each other about 90 degrees of longitude on the equator. Lanka has been described as one of the four cities. The present Sri Lanka has been widely believed as the ancient Lanka. But the Sri Lanka is currently positioned above the equator. Some writers even objected to the comparison of present Sri Lanka to the ancient Lanka and started proposing the ancient Lanka somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Due to the upward movement of the Indian plate, Sri Lanka being around the equator in Maya's time is very much possible. Sri Lanka was always accompanied the India on its journey from Africa around 65 million years ago to the present position and at some point of time crossed the equator. Africa also moved northward from that initial position in this period. We never envisioned the plate tectonics as part of the history because we assumed the human evolution as a recent phenomena.

Ramayana was also happened in the thretha yuga of the present chatur yuga. Even though Maya and Rama both lived in the same yuga, the time difference between these two individuals is not known at present. Nevertheless the Lanka being around the equator even in the times of Rama is also possible.

Such a vast history of ancient India, which even has the scientific base in the ancient writings, has been compressed to a mere 1000-year period. All the false assumptions in the history will get exposed with further exploration in science. History may even become a part of science in the future.

Karunakar Marasakatla
Created on: 25th February, 2001.

Last modified: 18th August, 2002.
Change: Maya period was erroneously mentioned at one occasion as kritha yuga instead of the thretha yuga in the original version.

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